Impact of Eccentric versus Concentric Cycling Exercise on Neuromuscular Fatigue and Muscle Damage in Breast Cancer Patients
Impact of Eccentric versus Concentric Cycling Exercise on Neuromuscular Fatigue and Muscle Damage in Breast Cancer Patients

Elyse Hucteau, Joris Mallard, Chiara Barbi, Massimo Venturelli, Roland Schott, Philippe Trensz, Carole Pflumio, Michal Kalish-Weindling, Xavier Pivot, Fabrice Favret, Guillaume P Ducrocq, Stéphane P Dufour, Allan F Pagano, Thomas J Hureau
Introduction: This study investigated the magnitude and etiology of neuromuscular fatigue and muscle damage induced by eccentric cycling compared to conventional concentric cycling in patients with breast cancer.
Methods: After a gradual familiarization protocol for eccentric cycling, nine patients with early-stage breast cancer performed three cycling sessions in eccentric or concentric mode. The eccentric cycling session (ECC) was compared to concentric cycling sessions matched for power output (CONpower, 80% of concentric peak power output, 95 ± 23 W) or oxygen uptake (10 ± 2 Pre- to postexercise changes (30s through 10 min recovery) in knee extensor maximal voluntary contraction force (MVC), voluntary activation, and quadriceps potentiated twitch force (Qtw) were quantified to determine global, central, and peripheral fatigue, respectively. Creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities were measured in the plasma before and 24 h postexercise as markers of muscle damage.
Results: Compared to CONpower (-11 ± 9%) and (-5 ± 5%), the ECC session resulted in a greater decrease in MVC (-25 ± 12%) postexercise (P < 0.001). Voluntary activation decreased only in ECC (-9 ± 6% postexercise, P < 0.001). The decrease in Qtw was similar postexercise between ECC and CONpower (-39 ± 21% and -40 ± 16%, P > 0.99) but lower in (P < 0.001). The CONpower session resulted in twofold greater compared to the ECC and sessions (P < 0.001). No change in CK or LDH activity was reported from preexercise to 24 h postexercise.
Conclusions: The ECC session induced greater neuromuscular fatigue compared to the concentric cycling sessions without generating severe muscle damage. ECC is a promising exercise modality for counteracting neuromuscular maladaptation in patients with breast cancer.
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Sports Medicine.